First let me say that i thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the incredible opportunity to have my dream job for many years, Life is full of ups and downs all we can do is try after many years of struggling to stay focus and positive i can't no longer make a leaving working day and night 7 days a week. the store has been struggling to stay open and soon i will need to renew my web hosting services and the resources are not there since i have fallen so behind and my credit cards. so because of this i need to re think my future as an Digital Artist. Thank you so much for welcoming me to the amazing PSP Community ever since i join my goal has been to always give more ( Multiple Layers ) and improve the amount and quality of my work and to show my gratitude, Money is not the key to happiness but unfortunately we all need it to survive, if i did not need money to survive and help my mom and grandmother i would love for all my work to be all free grin emoticon, so with this said i am having a Good bye X sale the biggest sale ever 55 % Off. Thanks and bless you all Ismael Rac XERACX

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